SM_HANDLE CSeaMaxW32::GetSeaMAXVersion3Handle ( )

Returns a SeaMAX Version 3.x compatable handle for use with non-deprecated (newer) SM functions.

Version 2.x
Return values
>0Success - the SeaMAX version 3.x compatable handle for use with non-deprecated functions.
0No SeaMAX handle available - see CSeaMaxW32::Open()

This deprecated function was not originally part of SeaMAX version 2.x, but a later addition to provide support for newer features of SeaMAX version 3.x. The handle returned can be used by any of SeaMAX version 3.x SM_ functions, but should not be used for any deprecated SeaMAX version 2.x functions.

The SeaMAX handle returned by this function is bound by the CSeaMaxW32 object and it's scope. Therefore, any attempt to use the handle returned by this method after destroying the CSeaMaxW32 object will result in unforsable errors.
Generated on Mon Nov 26 2018.