SeaMAX Change Log

Version 3.5

Version 3.5.0

Version numbering scheme simplified to major.minor.revision.
Installer upgraded and added Sealevel artwork.
Driver signatures updated for SHA-2 and Microsoft Attestation signing.
Driver installation support for Windows 10 added.
Install directory file structure simplified and made more consistent with other software families.
Documentation updated: new file locations, Visual Studio 2017 instructions, and new devices.
Added support for SeaRAQ 8513, 8522, and 8523.
Added support for custom SeaDAC Lite 9382.
Added SM_GetFirmwareVersion() function to allow extended firmware version to be read.
Added SM_ReadAnalogOutputs() function to allow reading of the analog outputs status.
Fixed .NET wrapper bindings to allow proper use from 64-bit processes.
Ethernet discovery API improvements.
Changed all FTDI D2XX calls to be dynamic; this prevents load library exceptions.
Updated base FTDI driver to 2.12.28
MaxSSD and Ethernet Config tools UI and functionality improvements
SeaDAC Lite Indexing changed to reflect only Sealevel devices

Version 3.4

Version 3.4.0

08.20.15 (0) - Added support for eIO 160. Added SM_SetPolarity() feature. Fixed MaxSSD memory leak on input and output tabs.
02.11.16 (1) - Added support for 370. Added support for SeaIO 580. Ethernet discovery API rework. Updated timing information.
06.15.16 (2) - Fixed IP address parsing issue in SM_Open() when a port is provided.
07.14.16 (3) - Updated FTDI driver to 2.12.18.

Version 3.3

Version 3.3.6

05.15.15 (0) - SeaRAQ 6513 / 9243 rev B modifications. NOTE: This includes renaming of the INLINE_RESISTOR_X channel range enumeration value.

Version 3.3.5

02.08.15 (0) - SeaRAQ 6513 / 9243 support added.
02.10.15 (1) - Update SeaMAX and Modbus documentation for SeaRAQ: 6513, 6525, and 8512.
02.23.15 (2) - Fixed version build increment. Adding MaxSSD support for 6520/6525. Fixed MaxSSD bug with 8512.

Version 3.3.4

07.23.14 (0) - Implemented C-Style errors, including SM_GetLastError(), SM_GetLastWin32Error(), and SM_GetLastFTDIError() methods.
07.25.14 (1) - Updated SeaMAX and Modbus documentation for SeaRAQ 6520.
07.29.14 (2) - Reworked AnalogConfig structure and supporting enum.
07.30.14 (3) - Fixed logic bug in Get/Set AnalogConfig() methods.

Version 3.3.3

01.17.14 (0) - Release candidate.
02.17.14 (1) - Updated FTDI driver to 2.08.30 for Windows 8 and 8.1 support.
03.05.14 (2) - Added support for 8511, 8521, and 9188.
03.14.14 (3) - Fixed issue with SDL_GetSerial() in .NET.
04.23.14 (4) - Fixed issue with error handling for PIO SeaDAC Lite devices.
04.28.14 (5) - Updated FTDI driver to 2.10.00.
05.20.14 (6) - Updated documentation.
05.21.14 (7) - SeaIO Ethernet Config now automatically requests Administrator privileges.
07.03.14 (8) - Updated documentation for Analog Input Range methods.

Version 3.3.2

02.13.13 (0) - Release candidate.
02.26.13 (1) - Fixed x64 native build.
05.10.13 (2) - Added support for baud rates up to 921600.
05.22.13 (3) - Ethernet Discovery now uses global broadcasts, eliminating some issues with device discovery.
06.07.13 (4) - Added a slight delay in Ethernet Discovery for XP compatibility.
08.13.13 (5) - Removed configuration options for the eI/O 170 analog input tab in MaxSSD which are not applicable.
08.21.13 (6) - Changed references to SeaIO to Module in MaxSSD and Ethernet Config. Added additional documentation for 462/463 units.
09.04.13 (7) - Added missing .NET hooks for SM_GlobalCommsReset() and baud rates up to 921600.
10.11.13 (8) - Redesigned MaxSSD AtD code to support 6510, 6511, 6512, 9181, 9187, 9189.
10.11.13 (9) - Fixed an issue where Modbus errors would not return the proper error code in some cases.
10.24.13 (10) - Added SM_GetAnalogConfig(), SM_SetAnalogConfig(), AnalogConfig struct, and Analog Channel Configuration Flags.
10.24.13 (11) - Added AES Encryption functionality, including SM_OpenSecure().
11.01.13 (12) - Added SME_ConfigureDeviceSecurity().
11.06.13 (13) - Added SME_RemoveDeviceSecurity().
11.12.13 (14) - Added missing .NET hooks for SDL_GetSerial().

Version 3.3.1

08.04.11 (0) - Release candidate.
09.15.11 (1) - Fixed buffer overflow error in SM_CustomMessage().
05.25.12 (2) - Removed erroneous configuration options from the 8126 in MaxSSD.
06.22.12 (3) - Added additional documentation for the 570.
06.22.12 (4) - Fixed a logic error that would prevent Modbus exceptions from being properly reported.
10.31.12 (5) - Changed recovery instruction text in SeaMAX Ethernet Configuration.
02.07.13 (6) - Added support for the eI/O 170 module.
02.12.13 (7) - Fixed issue with firmware update in MaxSSD.
02.13.13 (8) - Updated documentation.
02.13.13 (9) - Removed ftd2xx.dll from Windows directory.

Version 3.3.0

03.22.11 (0) - RC for eI/O.
04.12.11 (1) - Rolled back changes to Ethernet discovery due to broadcast problems under XP.
04.20.11 (2) - Ethernet Configuration Tool device recovery now properly recovers both eI/O and SeaI/O devices under XP and 7.
04.20.11 (3) - Updated FTDI Drivers to version
05.26.11 (4) - Fixed a bug in MaxSSD concerning AtD Voltage Ranges on 470 devices.
09.27.11 (4b) - Re-release of Contains recompile of drivers.
06.23.11 (5) - Fixed a bug in MaxSSD which caused outputs to be improperly masked on SeaDAC Lite devices under certain conditions.
06.24.11 (6) - Added SM_CustomMessage().
08.04.11 (7) - Added SDL and SME .NET Documentation.

Version 3.2

Version 3.2.4

09.22.10 (0) - Minor Release.
09.22.10 (0) - Fixed issues with 16-bit A/D conversion.
09.22.10 (0) - Added DeviceConfig struct, SM_GetDeviceConfig(), and deprecated SM_GetConfig().
10.06.10 (1) - Increased default serial port timeouts.
11.04.10 (2) - Updated FTDI Drivers.
12.07.10 (3) - Updated SeaMAX.def file to allow SM_GetDeviceConfig() to be used from managed code.
01.31.11 (4) - Added SM_COMTYPE_P_O_ETH (Power over Ethernet) and SM_COMTYPE_P_O_USB (Power over USB) Enumerations.
03.09.11 (5) - Added support for non A, B, C type subnet masks. (i.e.
03.18.11 (6) - Fixed a bug which prevented devices on multiple network interfaces from being discovered. 03.18.11 (6) - Fixed a bug which was causing MaxSSD to put 470 units in an invalid analog input state.

Version 3.2.3

08.30.10 (3) - Minor Release.
08.30.10 (3) - Added Floating and 15-volt AtD capability.
08.30.10 (4) - Fixed several issues with 16-bit AtD.

Version 3.2.1

11.11.09 (15) - Minor Release.
11.11.09 (15) - Added dll version number and company info.


05.14.09 (13) - Minor Release.
05.15.09 (13) - Removed 10 msec interpoll delay when communicating over Ethernet.
05.15.09 (13) - Changed BitBang reads to use getBitMode method.
05.15.09 (14) - Removed missed CAN API from documentation.


02.09.09 (1) - Release Candidate.
02.02.09 (9) - Added 2191 functionality: USB to CAN. See Documentation.
02.16.09 (10) - Added DualCanOpen API call.
02.16.09 (12) - Removed CAN API from documentation.


01.02.09 (1) - BETA Release.
01.09.09 (2) - Added new device functionality: USB to CAN. See Documentation.
01.11.09 (3) - Added dual USB access functionality for ECE project 9107.
01.21.09 (4) - fixed dot net dll access issue.

Version 3.0.7

11.26.08 (1) - BETA Release.
11.26.08 (2) - Added functionality: SM_GlobalCommsReset. See Documentation.
11.26.08 (12) - Use SM_WriteHoldingRegisters for Address ID/Baudrate range change starting at address 300.

Version 3.0.6

04.18.07 (1) - BETA Release.
04.18.07 (2) - Added functionality: SDL_GetSerial and SDL_GetNameBySerial. See Documentation.
06.06.08 (12) - Added Item Number 8123 to SeaMAX API, Updated Documentation.
11.19.08 (13) - Full release.

Version 3.0.5

08.23.07 (1) - Public release.
09.06.07 (15) - Fixed bug associated with null comm type, baudrate, or parity in SM_GetConfig.

Version 3.0.4

05.21.07 (1) - Released for internal testing. Includes support for wireless SeaI/O and 8126 SeaDAC Lite.
05.23.07 (34) - Fixed bug which reset the 8126 I/O direction on open.
05.29.07 (43) - Initializes the 8126 line direction on open - update to build 34 fix.
06.01.07 (67) - Updated library to support multi-platform builds.
06.11.07 (88) - Updated the device address of the I2C interface chips of the 8126.
06.15.07 (96) - SM_ConfigureSerialConnection now internally closes and re-opens the serial connection on error.
06.19.07 (102) - Fixed bug assoicated with ascii interpretation of hexidecimal keys for wireless enabled devices.
06.22.07 (138) - Overhauled the wireless interface for easier use.
06.22.07 (148) - Updated deprecated CEthernet interface to support wireless module types.
06.26.07 (356) - Provided library threading support. Implemented NotifyOnInputChange using the new thread support.
06.27.07 (387) - Modbus CRC check now excludes false Modbus messages. Note: Changed the 'Invalid Device Configuration' return value for SM_SetADDAConfig().
07.02.07 (409) - Patched memory allocation for deprecated CEthernet API (caused fatal crash on some systems).
07.12.07 (423) - Inverted the directional GPIO lines for the 8126 PIO.
07.16.07 (430) - SeaMAX has grown and several function names no longer apply. Updated (and deprecated) several function names for clarity.
07.23.07 (440) - Corrected false error code when using wireless (no encryption) and yet supplying a non-null password.
07.25.07 (450) - Fixed incorrect register addressing bug associated with Modbus SetPIOPresets.
07.30.07 (468) - Deprecated SM_Get/SetADDAConfig to two seperate functions in order to support upcoming lines.
07.31.07 (522) - Deprecated additional analog related functions and replaced with more standardized names.
08.02.07 (595) - Updated the internal Modbus class for thread saftey.
08.14.07 (639) - Added SM_ConfigureSerialTimeouts to provide for high latency serial connections.
08.14.07 (645) - Added SME_Ping to determine whether an Ethernet module is alive.
08.21.07 (611) - Rebuilt for support with 3rd party driver API (FT).

Version 3.0.3

02.26.07 (1) - Added basic support for the SeaDAC Lite product line.
02.27.07 (38) - Removed extraneous exports from the release library.
02.27.07 (43) - Added extractor for SeaDAC Lite device ID.
03.15.07 (61) - Fixed bug in SM_SetADDAConfig which forced some channels to be ZERO_TO_FIVE.
03.20.07 (76) - Added check for null parameters in SM_GetConfig.
03.30.07 (92) - Fixed bug associated with SM_GetPIOPresets that reversed byte orders.
04.03.07 (96) - Included SME_GetNetworkConfigBytes() into SeaMAX.h.
04.03.07 (98) - Changed several function signatures from char* to unsigned char*.
04.03.07 (110) - Removed the slaveID parameter for SM_Open() to accommodate future products.
04.03.07 (112) - Fixed bug in SM_ReadCoils and SM_ReadDiscreteInputs when using SeaDAC Lite modules.
04.04.07 (123) - Increased the SeaDAC Lite USB baudrate divisor to 921600.
04.05.07 (133) - Fixed bug associated with accessing the current module in SME after calling SME_SetNetworkConfig.
04.11.07 (165) - Added SME_GetNetworkSerialParams and SME_SetNetworkSerialParams.
04.11.07 (165) - Fixed SDL_GetModel - now returns an decimal model number (rather than hex).
04.14.07 (186) - Public release.
04.16.07 (189) - Added support for the SeaDAC Lite models 8113, 8114, & 8115.
04.24.07 (244) - Implemented I2C software interface for USB products.
04.25.07 (301) - Refactored the internal direct mode, bit bang, and I2C connection types.
04.27.07 (412) - Added support for the SeaDAC Lite 8126 programmable IO device.
04.27.07 (418) - Updated the communications type structure for compatibility with legacy code (SM_COMTYPE_RS232).
04.30.07 (429) - Addes SME network-to-serial parameter functions as well as module by MAC address.
05.01.07 (440) - Fixed bug associated with SeaI/O discovery across multiple interfaces.
05.04.07 (540) - Patched the Modbus response handler to retry up to two times, due to a long-standing uC issue.
05.15.07 (648) - Fixed a USB location ID problem related to dual port SeaDAC Lite USB chipsets.
05.21.07 (668) - Fixed bug associated with repetitive ARP spoofing Ethernet SeaI/O modules.

Version 3.0.2

02.08.07 (1) - Released for internal beta testing.
02.13.07 (2) - Added support for SeaMAX Version 3 handles from the SeaMAX Version 2 deprecated interface.
02.15.07 (25) - Added support as 64-bit library API release.
02.15.07 (41) - Fixed VS2005 bug associated with MSVCRT80.DLL by linking in static library.
02.16.07 (46) - Return handle by parameter in SME_Initialize.
02.16.07 (46) - Changed the SME_GetName parameters to remove the size constraint.
02.22.07 (96) - Refactored UDP broadcast timeout associated with out-of-subnet XPorts.

Version 3.0.1

12.14.06 (5) - Initial write of SeaMAX version 3.0.1.
12.18.06 (112) - Incorporated deprecated CEthernet functionality into SeaMAX.
12.20.06 (115) - Internal Alpha Release for testing.
01.07.07 (203) - Preliminary deprecated SeaMAX v2 interface created.
01.16.07 (302) - Included throttle delay for ModbusPoll of zero bytes.
01.17.07 (309) - Writing a single register or coil now calles the single vs. multiple Modbus cmd.
01.25.07 (314) - Included SM_SetSerialCommunications to configure the local serial port.
01.26.07 (316) - Fixed register addressing bug associated with setting the PIO presets.
01.30.07 (332) - Identified longstanding Ethernet ModbusTCP bug in SeaIO bridge firmware. Patched in SeaMAX for legacy customers.
02.06.07 (407) - Changed SM_GetADDAConfig(), SM_SetADDAConfig() to use bytes instead of bit values for language compatibility.
02.06.07 (411) - Changed SM_SetPIODirection(), SM_GetPIODirection() to be byte, rather than bit, oriented.

Generated on Mon Nov 26 2018.